Top Richtlinien Pomsky Welpen

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Not what we were expecting but we love her. Highly intelligent. Playful and very good with people. Loves the neighborhood small children. But you must entertain and play and exercise. Otherwise is moody.

I think this is b/c his hair tends to stay on him unless you brush & I do this outside. He’s the perfect dog for me: medium sized, Superbenzin-friendly & relaxed/calm inside, loyal, low-barker inside but outside he barks when people approach the property (this is what I wanted but could Beryllium a Schwierigkeit for some), Superbenzin-smart, easy to train in everything except potty-Schulung but we got there;

I now own a German Shepherd Dog, a Great Dane and a chihuahua. The chihuahua is a rescue and refuses to pee outside. He is also ill-tempered and snappy. I will never have another chihuahua!

While pomskies are not for the faint of heart, they can make a loving and highly rewarding pet for someone with a lot of patience and experience with dogs.

And the main reason people buy these dogs, imo, is their cuteness and size WHICH could be not what they were expecting. This is terrible when the dog ends up hinein a shelter because the owner didn’t make appropriate research and decision before buying it.

My girl loves children and is quite the licker, loves to play fetch as well. They’Response sponges just like children. She recently learned to jump through a hula. Lol , loves to splash and play and play rein water.

They’Response very active dogs that love to play with their owners but be warned that these little guys need to stay busy, otherwise they get bored and can develop destructive behavior.

Pomskies can also make great guard dogs, like both of their parent breeds. The appearance and size of a Pomsky can vary greatly, but very often they look like miniature huskies.

I know Tagebau is! They do shed (a lot) and are way bigger than a lot of people are led to believe. My dog is 20lbs at 16 months.

I didn’t know nothing about pomskys but I can tell you they are a handful. She is about medium sized and about 40pounds she loves to dig out rein the yard and so I have to teach her not to do that and I have to work with her on taking things off the kitchen counter and rears things up.

As you’Response having such a beautiful dog, you should also consider taking her to a professional groomer every now and then for that “professional touch.”

Webseite Doch ab des weiteren zu braucht er, wie jeder andere Hund sogar, eine etwas strengere Hand, die ihm seine Grenzen aufweist, denn sonst macht der Pomsky mit der Zeit was er will.

I hope that my contribution to Animalso will help others find dogs Weltgesundheitsorganisation give them that same unconditional love.

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